Sunday, February 17, 2008

Wooves or Dears

Dear Readers,

I went to the Berrydale show last night at the Okay Mountain and really enjoyed the thing. Ryan Lauderdale reallocates church camp group portraits by updating them in psychedelic prismatic explosions. Michael Berryhill lifts images from Renaissance painting, plants them out of doors at goldenhour, and surrounds them with a detritus of electronics, wires, and trash. The two artists represented together demonstrate a continuum of appropriation. Looking at the work, it feels like you've been here before, but, no, you couldn't have. It just doesn't look like the reality you're used to.

On a related note, I was in the Arts and Leisure Department of the NYT this morning and found this: 'Head On' by Cai Guo-Qiang

Yesterday I saw some carved Deerheads in a 2nd street boutique (made me want to barf, that boutique did, but that is no story for now), so I ask you, dear reader, what have you seen more of lately: Deerheads or Wolves?


Michael Hughes said...
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Michael Hughes said...

It beats the balls off the latest offering, that's for sure.

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ms. watson said...

what happened to your blog? I miss it. also, "milf"'s posting is some seriously awesome spam...

kate watson