Sunday, November 11, 2007


Hello again, fellows. Alright, listen: I’m sorry for coming off so bitter last time. It’s just been a hell of a year for me and old Pepper (Pepper’s my dog; I don’t think I’ve mentioned her before). It took us a long time to get here to Austin, we moseyed around, and now that we’re here, well, you know, city of assholes. Shit, sorry, sorry. There I go again. I’ve got some bitterness to me, sure, sure I do. It’s my beast of burden. I mean, just the other day I was in some shop looking around. Now I know how I look, hair all in dreads, skin dirty, clothes stinky, but I’m a person too. And then there’s this chick, working there, giving me the eye. Made me feel like some alien prancing around in a dress. After giving me the staredown, she comes over to sniff me out. "How may I help you, sir? Anything in particular, sir?" I mean, come on, give me a break! I know what she was really saying. She wanted me to get the hell out of there. False pretenses just get my goat. So, again, the bitterness. And again, let me apologize. Because Austin is a great city. It’s got the great green trees and the muddy looking hills out west. It’s got great eateries and is uber-friendly to my Pepper. It is a good time here, it is a good place. The yuppies? Ah, maybe they’re alright. They’re people too, I guess. Just give ‘em a chance, that’s what I should be saying. Peace and love. Everybody live free. And those yuppies, this time, they don’t have to suck it. But maybe they should be thinking about some life changes. That’s all. Oh, and quickly, before I go, the clothing stores on Lamar and Sixth can go to hell. Just a bunch of overpriced crap as is. C’est la vie.

Peace, love, and Barnyard (represent!),


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