Tuesday, November 6, 2007

.03, or How the Thesaurus Felt when the Griffins ate our horses.

Here is a graphic representation of the emotional state of Roget "The Human Thesaurus" after our intrepid adventures had their ponies snatched by a couple of dirty Griffins. They swept out of the sky like ex-girlfriends who keep your favorite t-shirt and Jackson 5 record album. You know that like right now she's doing floor exercises to ABC with some new sucka. Well, those Griffins are eating our horses and we're not going to get back the deposit. Keep crying, Theo. Keep crying.


The Peter Johansen said...

When I talked to you on the phone I guess I hadn't looked so closely at this. This IS mean. very mean.
you are a heartless jerk.

Dan Boehl said...

It is only mean if you think it is about you, and since you think everything is about that subject, I can see how you think its mean. Too bad.