Saturday, December 1, 2007

Keep Rambo in Mind

Hey all,

I have recently given up much of my time to an emotional outlet that did not pay off. Vague, but there it is. In the process I have neglected a project I have been working since this past summer. I am writing an alternative narrative to First blood. Not unlike Brad Neely's Harry Potter thing but more poignant. Over the course of months ahead I will post my chapters. Remember this is to be read during First blood. Also keep Hawkwind’s “Warrior on the Edge of Time” in mind as well.

Chapter One.
Music: Hawkwind, song one in the background during intro.

America. Placid, stagnate and dead. The burden of capitalism buries our fallen heroes. We are failures in the eyes of the world. Burnt earth and nightmarish daydreams fortify the country side. A lone man, with jeans tucked into his boots, freshly delivered from war with images of violence and toil dancing in his head; A gallant lion-maned steed who carries the weight of America’ s dreams on his broad shoulders looks down in contempt of what lies before him.

While Children scuttle about below, he envisions a future he has yet to comprehend. He only knows what direction the stars are telling him to navigate. Onward he presses towards his destiny.

Despite this celestial compass he asks the youth of America to help him locate the back of the house. Blindly trudging forth with no help from the children he makes his best educated guess.

He hopes in vain that there are paddle boats in his future.

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